JCPI National Conference 2019
November 12-15, 2019
Schedules and Speakers
Select a category below to view detailed information.
Tuesday, November 12 | ||
Pre-Conference Registration | 1:30 PM Start | Hotel Main Loby |
Childcare Registration | 1:30 PM Start | Hotel North Wing (1st Floor) |
Pre-Conference Session 1 | 3:00 – 5:00 PM | |
Dinner Buffet | 5:30 – 7:00 PM | Restaurant Buffet Terrace |
Pre-Conference Session 2 | 7:30 – 9:00 PM |
Wednesday, November 13 | ||
Breakfast Buffet | 7:00 – 8:30 AM | Restaurant Buffet Terrace |
Pre-Conference Session 3 | 9:00 – 11:00 AM | |
Pre-Conference Lunch | 12:00 – 1:30 PM | Restaurant Buffet Terrace |
Childcare Registration | 9:00 AM Start | Hotel North Wing (1st Floor) |
National Conference Registration | 11:30 AM Start | |
National Conference Opening Session | 2:00 – 4:00 PM | |
Special Interest Group Sessions | 4:15 – 5:30 PM | |
Dinner Buffet | 5:30 – 7:00 PM | Location designated on name tag |
Main Session 2 | 7:30 – 9:00 PM |
Thursday, November 14 | ||
Breakfast Buffet | 7:00 – 8:30 AM | Restaurant Buffet Terrace |
Main Session 3 | 9:00 – 10:30 AM | |
Vital Principles Session A | 11:00 – 12:30 PM | |
Lunch | 12:00 PM | Pick up boxes near Main Session Hall |
Main Session 4 | 3:30 – 5:00 PM | |
Dinner Buffet | 5:30 – 7:00 PM | Location designated on name tag |
Vital Principles Session B | 7:30 – 9:00 PM |
Friday, November 15 | ||
Breakfast Buffet | 7:00 – 8:30 AM | Restaurant Buffet Terrace |
Electives | 9:00 – 10:30 AM | |
Closing Session | 10:45 AM – 12:30 PM | |
Lunch | 12:30 PM | Pick up boxes near Main Session Hall |
Parents – Please note that the children’s schedule continues during “free time” for adults, hopefully allowing you some extra time of rest or fellowship.
Please pick up your children promptly for meals and after the final sessions so that child care workers can take their meals/break. Thank You!
Tuesday, November 12 |
1:30 – 5:15 PM |
7:00 – 9:15 PM |
Wednesday, November 13 |
8:30 – 11:45 AM |
1:30 – 5:45 PM |
7:00 – 9:15 PM |
Thursday, November 14 |
8:30 AM – 12:45 PM |
1:30 – 5:45 PM |
7:00 – 9:15 PM |
Friday, November 15 |
8:30 AM – 12:45 PM |

Tomoko Steinbach
I have an M.A in Christian Counseling with 15 years of cross-cultural experience and 10 years supporting internationals as they adjust to a new culture. My current focus is helping individuals understand themselves in their struggle with depression, trauma, relational issues, and spiritual issues. I also work with couples experiencing marital issues. I am fluent in both English and Japanese and currently work as a Christian counselor in the Chiba/Tokyo area.

Yuko Muhling
M.A in Behavior Therapy, M.A in Christian counseling. Licensed Mental Health counselor in FL (since 2004). Has worked with delinquent teenagers and with adults facing depression, anxiety, trauma, and grief issues. Worked with married couples having marriage issues. Fluent in English and Japanese. Currently serving with her husband, Kent, in Sendai as church planting missionaries.

Chie Burns
A Graduate of the Master’s University Biblical Counseling program. She practices counseling for her church and community in the Nagoya area. Chie grew up in Japan, studied in the States, and can counsel both in English and Japanese.

Lee Baas, Ph.D.
Psychology, M.B.A. President, WITS (Walking In Their Shoes) International, U.S. Base – Michigan, U.S.A. We provide confidential active and pro-active care to expatriate humanitarian workers wherever they are working in the world. This is provided without cost. Our primary focus is to assist those with Christian mission, educational and relief organizations. Along with individual counseling, we are available for workshops and seminars. On-site service is our primary emphasis.Lee has worked with mission and relief organizations in both Asia and Africa for 30 years.

Jacquie Willson (Educational Consultant)
Jacquie grew up in Japan as the daughter of missionaries and spent her childhood years in Toyama prefecture. Her schooling experiences are varied including time in Japanese preschool, international schools, public school in Canada, and an extended time doing homeschooling in Japan. She is married to Stephen and they raised three daughters in Japan. Jacquie is an educator and has been an elementary classroom teacher, a school principal and most recently the Director of School Support Services at Christian Academy in Japan. Her responsibilities includes educational consulting services for homeschooling families and small Christian schools across Japan.
This year CPI is offering three options to choose from. Each Pre-Conference session will be a three-part session.
*Child care is available from 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 12!
Discovering Your Personal Core Values (English)

Trainer: Ken Taylor
Ken Taylor has been a WorldVenture Missionary to Japan since 1995 involved in sharing the gospel in Japan through church planting, leadership development, music and innovative ministries, business as mission. Ken and his wife, Bola (who graduated to glory in 2015) were professional entertainers in Southeast Asia. Current ministry involvement includes the Hallelujah Gospel Family (HGF), Japan Baptist Fellowship (JBF where Ken also serves as the field leader), a compassion ministry called GLOW (God’s Love On Wheels) and recently Business as Mission.
Discovering your Personal Core Values will help you be more effective in your life and work, regardless of your role as leader or team member. Your core values should drive the decisions you make as you walk in faith each day. Often there are too many opportunities, and you can find yourself in a season where you are under or over utilized, or needing new direction. It does not matter if you have been in the marketplace or ministry for over a decade, or if you are just beginning your career; this is the beginning a journey that will help you discover and apply your core values for a lifetime of effective action and decision making! The tools are simple and practical.
Pre-conference Session 1 | Tuesday, November 12 | 15:00-17:00 |
Pre-conference Session 2 | Tuesday, November 12 | 19:30-21:00 |
Pre-conference Session 3 | Tuesday, November 13 | 9:00-11:00 |
Missional Communities (Bilingual)

Trainer: Jeff Vanderstelt
Jeff Vanderstelt ( is the visionary leader for Saturate, the Soma Family of Churches and a teaching pastor at Doxa Church in Bellevue, Washington. He travels around the world training and equipping the church in the gospel and missional living and is the author of Saturate, Gospel Fluency and Making Space.
Jesus made disciples in community on mission. The early church followed in his footsteps. How can we form communities of disciples who make disciples together on mission in the everyday stuff of life? During our time we will consider how to equip, form and mobilize disciples of Jesus on mission together where they live, work, learn and play.
Pre-conference Session 1 | Tuesday, November 12 | 15:00-17:00 |
Pre-conference Session 2 | Tuesday, November 12 | 19:30-21:00 |
Pre-conference Session 3 | Tuesday, November 13 | 9:00-11:00 |
Gospel DNA of Church Planting ~ Gospel, Culture, Movement (Japanese)

Trainers: Makoto Fukuda, Ryuta Kimura and Seima Aoyagi
Makoto Fukuda is currently lead pastor & church planter of Grace City Tokyo and has been a church planter for almost 30 years.
With the number of Christians and churches in Japan decreasing, it’s important that we look at new church planting methods in order to reach the people and our communities with the gospel. How do we develop gospel-centered churches in this culture? Let’s learn together and talk about spiritual renewal by gospel, contextualized evangelism, and well balanced work. This training is provided jointly by the Grace Network and City to City Japan and the trainers are active pioneers who are engaged in church development in the city of Tokyo. See the Japanese website for detailed session descriptions.
Pre-conference Session 1 | Gospel Renewal | Trainer: Makoto Fukuda | Tuesday, November 12 | 15:00-17:00 |
Pre-conference Session 2 | Contextualized Mission | Trainer: Ryuta Kimura | Tuesday, November 12 | 19:30-21:00 |
Pre-conference Session 3 | Integrative Ministry | Trainer: Seima Aoyagi | Tuesday, November 13 | 9:00-11:00 |

Jeff Vanderstelt
Jeff Vanderstelt ( is the visionary leader for Saturate, the Soma Family of Churches and a teaching pastor at Doxa Church in Bellevue, Washington. He travels around the world training and equipping the church in the gospel and missional living and is the author of Saturate, Gospel Fluency and Making Space.

Yoshito Noguchi
After graduating from Regents Theological College in England, Ryuta Kimura worked as a pastor and leader in various roles at some churches in England, Switzerland, and Japan for more than ten years. He planted Double O Cross Church in Kichijoji, Tokyo six years ago and has been the lead pastor of the church.

Chie Burns
Yoshito Noguchi is the pastor of SOMA Fuchu (part of SOMA Family of Churches Worldwide and the Acts 29 Network). After graduating from Trinity Seminary in Chicago he returned to Japan in 2002 and worked as a youth minister at Grace Mission Church in Osaka. In 2011, Grace Mission Church sent him out as a pioneer church planter in Fuchu city, Tokyo. He planted a church from ground zero while working full time as a home care worker.
Vital Principles (A) Thursday, November 14, 11:00AM-12:30PM
Gospel in Life & Ministry (Part 1 of 2) | Convention Hall MA | Seima Aoyagi | Japanese |
Gospel in Life & Ministry (Part 1 of 2) | Convention Hall MB | Jeremy Sink | English |
Discipleship | Convention Hall SA | Seth Philip | English |
Sharing the Gospel Where You’re Called | Convention Hall SB | Tetsuya Dedachi | Japanese |
Developing Leaders in the Church | Conference Center A | Yoshiya Hari | Japanese |
Small Groups | Conference Center C | Drew Cho | English |
Sharing the Gospel in Japanese Soil | Conference Room “Sutera” *From the hotel main lobby, take stairs to 2F | John Mehn | English |
Vital Principles (B) Thursday, November 14, 7:30-9:00PM
Gospel in Life & Ministry (Part 2 of 2) | Convention Hall MA | Seima Aoyagi | Japanese |
Gospel in Life & Ministry (Part 2 of 2) | Convention Hall MB | Jeremy Sink | English |
Discipleship | Convention Hall SA | Seth Philip | Japanese |
Leadership | Convention Hall SB | Andy Rodriguez | English |
Small Groups | Conference Center C | Makoto Fukuda | Japanese |
Multiplying Churches in Japanese Soil | Conference Room “Sutera” *From the hotel main lobby, take stairs to 2F | John Mehn | English |
VITAL PRINCIPLES A & B SESSIONS: Gospel in Life & Ministry (Two part session, Japanese)

Trainer: Seima Aoyagi
Seima serves as lead pastor of Grace Harbor Church in Toyosu. After serving in student evangelism for seven years in Chiba where he was born and raised, Seima moved to the USA where he interned at a church in San Diego after graduating from Covenant Theological Seminary with a Masters in Divinity. The family returned to Japan in 2011 where he served as the Director of the Disaster Relief Support Ministry for the Grace City Church for one year before beginning to be involved in church-planting. He currently lives in Toyosu with his wife and has four children.
VITAL PRINCIPLES SESSIONS A & B: Gospel in Life & Ministry (Two part session, English)

Trainer: Jeremy Sink
Jeremy serves as lead pastor of the All National Fellowship in Nagoya. Additionally, Jeremy and his wife Gina are involved in mentoring and training young church planters and Christian leaders through partnerships with Christ Bible Institute and CPI.
This is an introduction to Serge’s Sonship curriculum (also presented at CPI’s Grace Week seminars that are held during the year). The curriculum is based on the conviction that we can’t take the message of the gospel to others without continually applying it to our own hearts. We will spend the week soaking our hearts in the life-changing Gospel message and considering practical ways of living it out. Bring your whole ministry team to help develop a Gospel-centered culture for your team. Please join us!
VITAL PRINCIPLES SESSION A & B: Discipleship (Session A in English, Session B in Japanese)

Trainer: Seth Philip
Seth and his wife Megan have been planting churches with Mustard Seed Network in Japan since 2010. They have three children and live in Kyoto. Seth helped with the early season of Mustard Seed Christian Church – Nagoya while attending language school. In 2011 their family helped plant MSCC Osaka where Seth served on staff for 6 years. In 2017 the Philips moved to Kyoto to plant MSCC Kyoto.
What is a disciple? How do we make disciples? How do we help disciples mature in Christ? This class will survey the Biblical perspective of discipleship (making disciples and helping disciples mature), consider the context of urban Japan, and take an optimistic look at the resources available to accomplish this mission.
VITAL PRINCIPLES SESSION A: Sharing the Gospel Where You’re Called (Japanese)

Trainer: Tetsuya Dedachi (Oyumino Christ Church/Honda Chapel)
As a church planter we’re called to share the gospel. However at times we are lost to what this really looks like in our ministry. To whom and where do we share the gospel? Let’s consider together what it looks like to evangelize in our community. Topics will include “side door” evangelism, discipleship, making relationships, small groups.

Trainer: Drew Cho
Drew is a graduate of CAJ 99′, UCLA 03′, Westminster Theological Seminary 07’ His church planting experience includes starting the New Community Church in Shinagawa in 2015 and from this April he has also begun pastoring at Shoutai Church in Kawasaki city.
The Word of God tells us to love one another in the church, but the question is how. The small group ministry answers how we love one another inside the church on a practical level.

Trainer: Andy Rodriguez
Andy serves as the lead pastor of Mustard Seed Christian Church in Nagoya, a church he helped plant in 2009. He also serves as the Vice-President of Mustard Seed Network, a network of church-planting churches in urban Japan.
Whether you are a lead church planter, a church member, a homemaker, or a student, we all have a sphere of influence. This session will help you implement Christ-centered leadership principles and habits to help you grow in whatever leadership responsibilities God has given you.
VITAL PRINCIPLES SESSION A: Sharing the Gospel in Japanese Soil (English)

Trainer: John Wm. Mehn
John is a missionary with Converge, a member of the CPI Leadership team and author of Sharing the Gospel in Japanese Soil: Understanding Japanese Religious Beliefs.
How can we understand the Japanese to be more effective in sharing the Gospel? We will discuss actionable principles in engaging Japanese religious beliefs and worldview. What are contact points for contextualization in order to transform people and society? This seminar is for those new or experienced in evangelizing Japanese.
VITAL PRINCIPLES SESSION B: Multiplying Churches in Japanese Soil (English)
Trainer: John Wm. MehnAre there reproducing churches and movements of multiplication happening in Japan? No matter what stage you are in, come and let’s dream and consider how churches reproduce and multiply in this context. We will highlight the vision and practice of accelerating Church reproduction, Church Planting Movements (CPM), and developing healthy growing churches. We will discuss updates to the recent book Multiplying Churches in Japanese Soil.

Trainer: Makoto Fukuda
Makoto Fukuda is currently lead pastor & church planter of Grace City Tokyo and has been a church planter for almost 30 years.
Small groups are essential communities where believers and not yet believers can personally experience the Gospel of Christ. By living in community we are able to bear witness to being transformed by Christ in our daily lives. Let’s learn together how we can effectively use small groups in our own communities.
ELECTIVES – Friday, November 15, 9:00-10:30AM
Rural Network | Convention Hall SA | Martin Ghent | Bilingual |
Training & Multiply | Conventional Hall SB | Makoto Saeki | Japanese |
CBI Joy of Japan | Conference Center A | Gary Watanabe | English |
Worship | Convention Hall MA | Seita Sakaguchi | Bilingual |
Soma Japan | Conventional Hall MB | Yoshito Noguchi | Japanese |
Keeping Your Heart and Keeping Yourself in the Race | Conference Center C | Robert Greene | English |
Rural Network (Bilingual)

Trainer: Martin Ghent
Martin has been a church planter with OMF International in Japan for 33 years. He is married and has 4 adult children.
People living in communities as large as 300,000 or as small as a remote village, people who work in factories and city offices or others who work on farms- the 40 million people living outside urban centers in Japan still need the gospel. As mission groups and established churches, we could be networking, to reach this hidden face of Japan. Find out what is happening today and how you could be involved.
Training & Multiply (Japanese)

Trainer: Makoto Saeki
Makoto Saeki is pastor of Kochi Grace Church of the Japan Holiness Mission. After graduating from Tokyo Bible Seminary in 1985, he was sent to the Ochi Christ Church (a church located in the mountainous area in Koch Pref.), where he started church planting in Kochi City. He moved around five different locations for planting churches before purchasing a home and launching a house church in Ino-machi, neighboring town of Kochi City. He started working on T&M in 2016 and continues to serve as a facilitator and leader in this movement.
This session will discuss T&M efforts in addressing church planting survival issues. Makoto Saeki will explore issues that threaten local churches including church planting in rural areas, next generation issues, and how they sought the word of God together which brought a renewed sense of direction in church planting discipleship movements through Training & Multiply.
CBI Joy of Japan (English)

Trainer: Gary Watanabe
Gary works for two organizations. He is a church planting catalyst for City to City Asia Pacific (CTC AP) networking, training, and coaching. He also is the Coordinator of the Joy of Japan Center for Church Planting & Development which seeks to support the MTW Christ Bible Institute vision to train the next generation of church pastors and leaders.
Sooner or later every church, like a marriage relationship, faces a need for renewal. Why does every church need renewal? What are the indicators? What does such renewal look like? How does it happen? We’ll attempt to answer these questions exploring them from a theological, contextual, and personal perspective.
CBI Joy of Japan (English)

Trainer: Seita Sakaguchi
After serving as a pastor at Sovereign Grace Church (Fairfax, Virginia USA) for several years, Seita and his wife Emma with their four children were sent by the church to Tokyo in 2014 to be involved in church planting. They are planting a new church in Toyosu called Toyosu Community Church.
We worship constantly, but we don’t always worship the right object. In this session we will explore how we as pastors and church leaders can shape the corporate gathering of the church to be biblically sound and experientially robust, directing people’s affections and fostering a lifestyle of worship toward the only right object of worship – the triune God of the Bible.
SOMA JAPAN (Japanese)

Trainer: Yoshito Noguchi
Yoshito Noguchi is the pastor of SOMA Fuchu (part of SOMA Family of Churches Worldwide and the Acts 29 Network). After graduating from Trinity Seminary in Chicago he returned to Japan in 2002 and worked as a youth minister at Grace Mission Church in Osaka. In 2011, Grace Mission Church sent him out as a pioneer church planter in Fuchu city, Tokyo. He planted a church from ground zero while working full time as a home care worker.
“Soma” is a Greek word used in the New Testament to describe the “body of Christ,” the church. Christ Himself dwelled among us and we, as the body of Christ, are the church. Soma Japan believes that Japan will become a new Japan through the spread of the Gospel being lived out daily in our communities. What is the definition of community? How do communities begin in our neighborhood? How is the gospel penetrated in our local communities through our daily lives? Please join us.
Keeping Your Heart and Keeping Yourself in the Race

Trainer: Robert Greene
Robert Greene, lead pastor of Redemption Hill Church, Richmond, Virginia.
As important as strategies and plans are; the Bible never says “keep your plans with all diligence” it says to “keep your heart”. If we are not intentional to cultivate the joy of the gospel in our hearts, even the best-laid plans of church planting can’t keep us in the race for haul.